Assessors and Registered Valuers Foundation welcomes you to
The V20 Summit & Conference in association with Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI), International Valuation Standard Council is launching a new initiative!
This Summit & Conference represents a turning point in the valuation industry, bringing together various parties — including industry experts; financial institutions; large corporations; investors and start-up companies — to collaborate on defining the direction of the valuation ecosystem worldwide.
Get ready for the first ever V20 Summit and Conference
The V20 Vision:
The V20 Summit concentrates its efforts around key areas and improvements of valuation methods and approaches bringing tangible solutions globally for an economically stable world to achieve sustainable development goals.

Shaping the Future of Global Valuations
Valuation as a Pillar:
One of the critical pillars of economical choices is Valuation. Thus, policies, frameworks, regulations must continue to keep pace with changes in the field of valuations and this requires ongoing dialogue between policy-makers and experts for ensuring an increasingly robust linkage of these valuations to economic instruments for promoting sustainable development.
Nations Invited to Attend the V20 Summit & Conference

The V20 Summit Themes
The V20 Summit addresses prevailing valuation issues through four key themes, empowering valuation professionals, valuation professional organizations (VPOs), and policymakers worldwide:
Data Transparency and Availability in Global Valuation Practices
Data transparency and availability are critical global issues that significantly impact valuation practices worldwide. In the context of the Valuation 20 (V20) Summit & Conference, the theme of data transparency and availability is of paramount importance as it addresses the challenges faced by the valuation community on a global scale.
The committee dedicated to this theme will work collaboratively to tackle the following global issues related to data transparency and availability in valuation practices.

Bronze Sponsor

Get immersed in the exciting universe of The V20 Summit & Conference via these enticing videos! Dig into the core of this game-changing occasion
with boundary-pushing, inventive, collaborative visionary leaders.
Don't miss you chance to attend the V20 Summit and Conference
To learn more, please contact us at info@aarvf.org
To book your seats, click on the . the registration page.