Current Members of the iiBV

Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators
The Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators (CICBV) is the largest professional valuation organization in Canada. The CICBV is a self-regulated organization that, in addition to governing its Members with a strict Code of Ethics and Practice Standards, manages the Chartered Business Valuator (CBV) / expert en évaluation d’enterprises (EEE) designation. Increasingly, the CBV/EEE is recognized as the premier credential for professional business valuators in Canada, with Members providing a broad range of business valuation services to Canada’s business, legal, investment, banking and government communities.
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China Appraisal Society
China Appraisal Society (CAS), established with the approval of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, is a nation-wide self-disciplinary organization of the appraisal profession under the supervision, regulation and guidance of the Ministry of Finance (MOF).
The missions of CAS are:
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The Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers “Taqeem”
Due to the utmost need to enhance the valuation profession in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which is considered a vital element to secure public savings and fund assets, the Law of Accredited Valuers was issued pursuant to Royal Decree no. (m/43) dated (09/07/1433H) defining valuation as the process which determines the fair value of real estates, ecomonic establishments, equipments or properties of different types for a specific purpose.
The significance of the valuation profession lies in its need in many sectors, such as banks, insurance companies, real estate companies and state bodies in charge of expropriating ownerships. Valuation leads these sectors to important economic decisions, such as purchasing, selling, acquisition, merger, inheritance and partnership division, dispute settlement, compensations, determining investment feasibility and substituion of the like.
The Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers “Taqeem” considers the valuation profession a promising profession in KSA and shall contribute to create many excellent job opportunities. The Authority aims to develop the valuation profession to reach a level par with notable professions, such as medicine, engineering and the like, through setting forth the necessary standards for the valuations assignments of real estates, economic establishments, equipments and movable property and so on. In addition to developing the valuation profession, raising the level of employees operating in such profession in terms of the ethical, technical and professional aspects, qualifying the young cadres via specialized programs as well as accrediting qualified valuers to practice the profession in all valuation sectors.
Want to learn more? Visit our website.

National Association of Valuers of Serbia, NAVS (NUPS)
The National Association of Valuers of Serbia “NAVS (NUPS)” is an association of appraisers of Serbia, founded at the end of 2006 in Belgrade, as a non-party, non-governmental and non-profit citizen’s association with an intention to act towards the public interest and to promote significance of the profession, methods and technics for valuating property, capital and equipment. Since our country is future candidate for EU membership, conjugation of the appraisal standards with the international standards comes as a part of the integration. NAVS (NUPS) is taking its place in this process both through education of appraisers in accordance with international and domestic standards, and certification. Association is a member of International Valuation Standards Committee – IVSC.
Our objectives and tasks are to encourage and provide support for:
NAVS’s (NUPS’s) main task is to encourage appraisers professional competence, as well as to affirm their market value calculations, accomplished on the high professional level and with responsibility, that will have NAVS’s (NUPS’s) guaranty for fulfilling all international standards – International Valuation Standards – IVS.
NAVS (NUPS) represents views of its members in their efforts to strengthen and affirm principles regarding valuation practices according to code of Ethics.
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